The boys, by their own motivation were in bed AFTER stories at 6:21 last night. They were still awake at 9. They were up at 6:30 and by 7:40 in the truck ready to fact I kept hearing "Mommy, hurry, we're going to be late for school". We made it with time to spare. And *I* was summarily dismissed. After they put their supplies in the cubbies, and hung up backpacks, put their "apple" into the hot lunch pile (attendance), they found their seats and started to color. I gave them a hug, a smooch and without picking up their heads they said "bye Mommy". I guess all that time in pre-school paid off.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
parade, moving the ship, and sunny weather
Well, we are slowly settling in we still have a lot of boxes I need to go through again - but are starting to look like a "home" - still not ready to take pictures yet though..
Here are some pictures from moving the ship, from the parade we were in (the family pic) the boys LOVED throwing candy, and James enjoying the back yard yesterday afternoon.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Home Sweet Home......
Yep. We have become a permanent part of the landscape here at KOA Astoria.
In the space behind the boys (and the towel) is our grill on its table - you probably can't see, but also at the rear of the table is our coffeepot - on an extension cord so that we can also plug in our toaster......and still leave an outlet available for our computer (priorities ya know). Oh - the flag in the upper corner is the C.G. flag - so we meet alot of vets......and get fewer weird looks about our very permanent LOOKING site....
It's a nice set up - BUT - I'm glad it's temporary!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
TGIF - well Saturday
This was taken yesterday, Andrew finally is figuring out how to let Stephanie pull herself up (instead of him trying to muscle her up) - he wants to help her walk, but is still trying to move too fast.
The boys have made friends with a set of 7 year old twin boys - also fraternal, you would NEVER guess they are twins - J is about the size of a normal 7 year old - S is well, 4 foot 9 and 100 pounds - at SEVEN. He wears a size 6 shoe, and they expect him to be at least 6'8" - I hope he likes basketball! The boys went over and watched a movie with them at their campsite last night - awwwwww - modern camping!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Camping with 5 year olds - pools, playgrounds, and people
And, by people of course, I mean other kids. They have really become so social in the last year. It's kind of fun to watch. And, the pool, playground and kids are why we are back at the KOA for a short time.
We've spent the last week and Matt's Uncle and Aunt's house - 14 beautiful quiet acres we loved it! The boys learned to play frisbee (sort of) and rode the tractor and harassed Uncle Drew's new kitten Kay Kay (or, as the boys called her Oh Kay Kay).
We found a house! We like it, it's going to be interesting to see how we fit in it, less than half the size of our house in VA - but it's a nice enough place.
alrighty now I'll go post some pictures, which of course will wind up at the TOP of the page anyway...
so here is what is showing....
1) Uncle Drew & Andrew
2) Uncle Drew & James
3) Matt & Stephanie
4) Stephanie's new trick! She stood alone for the first time on Sunday 7/22, and Uncle Drew and Aunt Hauo's house
5) the outside of the house
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The first 4 pictures were taken by Larry Kellis Photography,
Yes, we should have woke up the baby - but it seemed like letting her sleep was a better idea at the time.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Change of Command
here is the link to the local newspaper story - I'll get more pictures up later - it was a nice ceremony, the weather held, food was good, and the kids behaved! what more could anyone ask for!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Beach....
Astoria is not known for its hot summers. So when, it was 88 degrees yesterday, the thought of spending the day at an inside pool was not all that appealling. My original plan was to take the kids to the park (matt was working and my parents and niece/nephew hadn't arrived) and just be outside. Then the nice KOA guy gave me a better idea the beach.
Sounded good to me. The (overtired) boys had a fit because they were afraid they wouldn't be here when Richie got here. I convinced them that it would not be a problem that Nana would call in plenty of time for us to get back. So, finally off we go. I find what looks like a good spot, and we head down the trail. Then the sand gets hot. We get closer to the beach and the sand gets hotter. We are all wearing our crocs. Bad move. Then, we get in sight of the of water and the sand is STILL hotter. Burning hot. Literally. We find some cool sand on the side and sit to re-evaluate. Well, I was re-evaluating, they were crying (understandably). I tell them I will run the baby down, then come back for them. In the meantime some nice people on the beach saw what was happening and helped us all down. The sand ON the beach was nice - the boys immediately headed towards the water, expecting the warm water of the Atlantic Ocean at VA Beach, and instead got the cold water of the north pacific. I dug out my cell phone and started tracking down Matt. Finally got a hold him and asked him to bring us some real shoes, got the baby down for a nap (in her one step ahead tent, that thing is awesome) and still had time to have fun playing with the boys in the ocean. We didn't go deep, but my legs were numb to my knees. We were not the only ones in need of rescue. I saw 2 other people bringing shoes to others nearby. Once we got our shoes, and were in the car on the way back the boys said it was a really fun day. Except for the hot sand.
We got back as mom & dad were setting up their camper and the kids all played for a bit. We had a nice dinner, and at 8:30 this morning - I think they are all still sleeping. I know Stephanie is - and while I saw Caitlin's eyeballs, I think she went to sleep. The boys slept with Richie at the other camper - and so far I don't hear any loud noises, so I'm guessing it is as quiet there as here.
I kind of hope Steph wakes up soon - I could REALLY use a cup of coffee!!!!!
Sounded good to me. The (overtired) boys had a fit because they were afraid they wouldn't be here when Richie got here. I convinced them that it would not be a problem that Nana would call in plenty of time for us to get back. So, finally off we go. I find what looks like a good spot, and we head down the trail. Then the sand gets hot. We get closer to the beach and the sand gets hotter. We are all wearing our crocs. Bad move. Then, we get in sight of the of water and the sand is STILL hotter. Burning hot. Literally. We find some cool sand on the side and sit to re-evaluate. Well, I was re-evaluating, they were crying (understandably). I tell them I will run the baby down, then come back for them. In the meantime some nice people on the beach saw what was happening and helped us all down. The sand ON the beach was nice - the boys immediately headed towards the water, expecting the warm water of the Atlantic Ocean at VA Beach, and instead got the cold water of the north pacific. I dug out my cell phone and started tracking down Matt. Finally got a hold him and asked him to bring us some real shoes, got the baby down for a nap (in her one step ahead tent, that thing is awesome) and still had time to have fun playing with the boys in the ocean. We didn't go deep, but my legs were numb to my knees. We were not the only ones in need of rescue. I saw 2 other people bringing shoes to others nearby. Once we got our shoes, and were in the car on the way back the boys said it was a really fun day. Except for the hot sand.
We got back as mom & dad were setting up their camper and the kids all played for a bit. We had a nice dinner, and at 8:30 this morning - I think they are all still sleeping. I know Stephanie is - and while I saw Caitlin's eyeballs, I think she went to sleep. The boys slept with Richie at the other camper - and so far I don't hear any loud noises, so I'm guessing it is as quiet there as here.
I kind of hope Steph wakes up soon - I could REALLY use a cup of coffee!!!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
we made it!!!
alrighty - we are in Astoria. We had a great time in Bend - visited a friend we haven't seen in 10 years, and it felt like just last week. Well, except her kids are nearly grown now! It was hot in Bend, so we spent most of the day just watching the kids play in the pool and chatting.
Then on to Rainier - Matt's uncle got married Saturday before our arrival on Sunday! We all love Haoua and are thrilled for them both.....although not sure how much of a honeymoon it felt like once we descended. They even babysat the boys for me while I drove into Vancouver (about 75 minutes each way) to get Andrew's glasses fixed. Drew's house is on 14 acres, so the boys had lots of room to run and play. They have 15(?) frisbee golf holes around and about their property, so the boys learned to throw frisbees as well.
Matt started work again yesterday, and last night we drove down to Astoria. We are camping here for the week with my parents and neice and nephew - they arrive today. The boys are so excited to see them all again - especially Richie. As far as Astoria goes - it's a good week for it - today the high will be in the mid 80's and the next 2 days in the 70's. Then back to Rainier (and Uncle's house) until we find a place to live.
Then on to Rainier - Matt's uncle got married Saturday before our arrival on Sunday! We all love Haoua and are thrilled for them both.....although not sure how much of a honeymoon it felt like once we descended. They even babysat the boys for me while I drove into Vancouver (about 75 minutes each way) to get Andrew's glasses fixed. Drew's house is on 14 acres, so the boys had lots of room to run and play. They have 15(?) frisbee golf holes around and about their property, so the boys learned to throw frisbees as well.
Matt started work again yesterday, and last night we drove down to Astoria. We are camping here for the week with my parents and neice and nephew - they arrive today. The boys are so excited to see them all again - especially Richie. As far as Astoria goes - it's a good week for it - today the high will be in the mid 80's and the next 2 days in the 70's. Then back to Rainier (and Uncle's house) until we find a place to live.
Friday, July 6, 2007
So, Where was I? Or Where am I?????
1) Bison at Yellowstone
2) Boys at Black Dragon's Cauldron (mud volcano)
3) kids' birthday, KOA, West Yellowstone, MN
4) Stephanie's One
Actually the WHERE I am is pretty easy - I'm in Bend, OR - actually Sisters, OR - but close enough. Last night we were in Pendleton OR. The campground we stayed at was at the Wildhorse Casino and RV park (always a popular combination.....) it was HOT. As in REALLY HOT. We saw 108 during the day, although by the time we parked it was down to 104. Fortunately we were in sight of the pool and Matt & I took turns playing with the boys in the pool and sitting by the camper while Stephanie avoided taking her nap - she was tired, rubbing her eyes, but just wouldn't go to sleep, so after about 3 rotations - we ALL played in the pool. As for the Campground - well, there was NO shade (did I mention that it was HOT) and it took until after dinner to get the camper cooled off to a comfortable temp -perhaps also why the baby didn't nap..... We had a nice dinner at the Plateau - the "fine dining" option at the casino - the buffet was typical buffet, everything was fried and heavy on the mayo, so we took our chances. The kids were excellent. Not only did our server compliment their behavior, but people actually smiled at them and us when we left (and not in a Thank God they are gone way). It was delish -and since the 3 kids shared a meal, not even very expensive. AND the boys had the leftovers for lunch today.....
We continue to be plagued with issues with the camper - one of the supports (?) for the stabilizing bars on the hitch shifted during the drive today and it took some ummmmmmmm gentle persuasion (with a hammer) to get the truck and camper parted. And, part of the the flashing over the tire (yes, the one that was flat) tore off. Tomorrow Matt is getting the spare fixed. Fortunately Bend is big enough to have a Les Schwaub.
As for the trip - the camping is fun - but we are ALL tired of being in the car for 5 and 6 hours a day. I will miss summer (Astoria during this heat wave has STILL not broken 70 degrees) but it will be nice to be out of the car.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Yellowstone, Birthdays, and Exhaustion - pictures 2-moro I hope
HAPPY 4th of July!!!!! And - Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!
Sooooooooooooooo...........Yellowstone was really cool! We saw Old Faithful, visited the PaintPot sulpher pits and the Mud Vulcanos (including The Black Dragon Cauldron)......We did several short hikes, and even the boys had to admit it was fun - with or without the pool. We had beautiful weather, sunny, a few fluffy clouds and warm, dry days. Nights did get cool, but the heater in the camper worked well, and by 9 a.m. it was shirtsleeve (and shorts!) weather again. We got "up close and personal" with a couple of bison, and saw several Elk, and a few fisherman enjoying the rivers....a couple of them were brave enough to do it bare legged (brrrrrrr!)
We managed to find a grocery store in the booming metrolpolis (NOT!) of West Yellowstone, MT that had a bakery. The cakes were actually pretty good, even though they arrive frozen and they just decorate them. This year we got 2. We decided that Stephanie needed her own cake for hr 1st birthday, but from here on out - they share. We shared with the family next to and across the street from us - and STILL had to throw some away. The good news is they had fun, and hated saying good bye to their new friends.
We have all been running so hard for so long, that we are all about ready to drop on our feet. The boys have been up until somewhere between 8 and 10 every night, and are still up by 7 at the latest. We gave them their first "video game" for their birthday - $9.95 @ wal-mart! It's a handheld race car game - it looks like a steering wheel and you turn it right or left to avoid the cars coming at you, it makes noises every 5 cars you pass. James fell asleep playing the game this afternoon, and is already in bed, and nearly asleep (at HIS request) it is 8:30 - but at least it wasn't a battle again, and Andrew is there too, as much of an independent soul as he is, he really doesn't like to be too far from where James is. We have another longish day in front of us, and really nothing that they are looking forward too until we get to Astoria, so hopefully, they will sleep in a bit tomorrow. We have towels now OVER the mini-blinds to keep it as dark as possible....
So - tomorrow is Pendleton OR and the Wildhorse Resort/RV Park in Pendleton OR. Hopefully I'll get some pictures uploaded by then, in the meantime, I'll just kick myself for not getting a picture of Matt changing one of the tires on the camper this morning....but that's another story!
Good night!
Sooooooooooooooo...........Yellowstone was really cool! We saw Old Faithful, visited the PaintPot sulpher pits and the Mud Vulcanos (including The Black Dragon Cauldron)......We did several short hikes, and even the boys had to admit it was fun - with or without the pool. We had beautiful weather, sunny, a few fluffy clouds and warm, dry days. Nights did get cool, but the heater in the camper worked well, and by 9 a.m. it was shirtsleeve (and shorts!) weather again. We got "up close and personal" with a couple of bison, and saw several Elk, and a few fisherman enjoying the rivers....a couple of them were brave enough to do it bare legged (brrrrrrr!)
We managed to find a grocery store in the booming metrolpolis (NOT!) of West Yellowstone, MT that had a bakery. The cakes were actually pretty good, even though they arrive frozen and they just decorate them. This year we got 2. We decided that Stephanie needed her own cake for hr 1st birthday, but from here on out - they share. We shared with the family next to and across the street from us - and STILL had to throw some away. The good news is they had fun, and hated saying good bye to their new friends.
We have all been running so hard for so long, that we are all about ready to drop on our feet. The boys have been up until somewhere between 8 and 10 every night, and are still up by 7 at the latest. We gave them their first "video game" for their birthday - $9.95 @ wal-mart! It's a handheld race car game - it looks like a steering wheel and you turn it right or left to avoid the cars coming at you, it makes noises every 5 cars you pass. James fell asleep playing the game this afternoon, and is already in bed, and nearly asleep (at HIS request) it is 8:30 - but at least it wasn't a battle again, and Andrew is there too, as much of an independent soul as he is, he really doesn't like to be too far from where James is. We have another longish day in front of us, and really nothing that they are looking forward too until we get to Astoria, so hopefully, they will sleep in a bit tomorrow. We have towels now OVER the mini-blinds to keep it as dark as possible....
So - tomorrow is Pendleton OR and the Wildhorse Resort/RV Park in Pendleton OR. Hopefully I'll get some pictures uploaded by then, in the meantime, I'll just kick myself for not getting a picture of Matt changing one of the tires on the camper this morning....but that's another story!
Good night!
Monday, July 2, 2007
more pictures.....
Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Buffalo Bill, and the strangest question so far this year...
For some reason, my pictures always wind up at the top - so here is the rundown.... #1, my cousins daughters and the boys (baby was napping), #2 the boys at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, #3 my Omaha cousins' kids and ours on the trampoline #4 me and my cousin Lisa in chicago #5 Stephanie at the wave pool in Omaha, and #6 the boys at the Kane County Cougar baseball game in Chicago...
now for the update....
At. Rushmore, we did the 1/2 mile loop and got listen to some of the talk about the how the monument was built. The boys thought the mountain was really cool, but we disappointed they couldn't climb on it. Especially since there were men up on top getting ready for the fireworks display scheduled for their 4th of July celebration - and like Alaska, the show is the evening of the 3rd. I knew WHICH 4 Presidents were there, but not why they were chosen. Maybe we learned that in school, but I don't think so. Anyway - the reasons - Pres. Washington, representing the BIRTH of our country, Pres. Jefferson symbolized EXPANSION since he was largely responsible for the Louisiana Purchase, Pres. Lincoln to embody the PRESERVATION of the union of stations in confronting the challenges of the Ciil War, and Pres. T. Roosevelt represented the Development of our country with the construction of the Panama Canal.
After the monument, we had a picnic and did a short hike. About 3/4 of a mile into the trail, they wanted us to sign in and put how far and when we'd be back, so we just turned around instead.
The next day we did the Mt. Rushmore Caverns. The boys loved being in the caves, Matt not so much He had Stephanie the backback, and because of the ceiling height spent part of the time crawling on his hands and knees - in shorts. After than, we had another picnic and visited the Crazy Horse Monument in progress. It will be huge! The boys enjoyed it more than Rushmore, not sure if it was because they were slightly better rested, or that more of it was outside. They even sat through the movie....well most of it. They liked the dynamite sequences and how the sculptures were built, but about the time the Sculptor's wife came on with her money pitch they were done. Crazy Horse is being built solely on doations. No Federal money is involved. Korchak (sp?) the sculptor refused Federal grants when they were offered, and his family (wife and 7 of their 10 kids) are contining in his tradition. They had some traditional dancers at the center, the boys and the rest of the kids got up and danced with the little girl dancer.
Returning to the campground, we found out that the wind had kicked up - and tossed our awning OVER the top of the camper. One of the support arms that holds the awning still while we drive broke. So it's now attached primarily with bungee cords. We'll get that fixed later. The nice thing is that a nearby camper saw it happen and as soon as we drove up came over to help Matt. The good news is the canvas isn't ripped, so it is an inexpensive fix. We also met some nice people at the pool - the campground has some "extra" family activities which are a bargain if you are there for 4 or more days, but for 2 days, just not worth it. Especially when all the boys wanted to use was the waterslide. $15/day/person was just more than I could justify (it's $55/week/family for mini-golf, waterslide, the jumping pillow and I think horseback riding). Anyway - a family there had a couple of members who didn't want to go on the slides, so we went with them, and they let the boys use their wristbands.
Driving to Cody - 8 hours 48 minutes of driving time. The boys made it 4 hours and 30 minutes w/o t.v. but the last bit was movie city. The moutains were of course, beautiful - our mileage going up was about 5.2 mpg, and coming down - about 16 mpg.
The Buffalo Bill museam, is definately a must see here in Cody. It is really 5 museums under 1 roof. I got through 2, and Matt and the boys added a 3rd - the gun museum. I'd love to go back, but that is a lot of museum, for 5 year olds(although, it is interactive and designed to be kid friendly). We are staying with friends here in their beautiful brand new log home. They have 360 degree views! Mostly mountains, but also of the Cody Reservoir.
We leave today for Yellowstone - and apparently have asked the most unusual question of our campground so far this year. The question......"Is there a bakery or a grocery store nearby with a bakery?" I guess they don't get asked very many questions!!! There is one, which is good because even though we have an oven, I'm not sure I want to use it the first time making birthday cakes......
So - now, I think I'm caught up!!!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Catching up.....
O.k. - so NOW we are in Cody, WY. Haven't fully figured out the picture thing - but here is a shot from Mt. Rushmore.....
Omaha - our sad news is that we lost Oreo. She got out of our camper we think shortly before we went to the water park with our cousins, but aren't sure. What we do know is that she has been missing now for 5 nights, and noone has seen her (we've checked daily with the campground). So, I guess she is gone. It will be a much quieter place without our "small annoyed one" - she was with us for 13 years.
The campground was marginal - showers were clean, but the sites were really small. We didn't get to the pool, but it looked nice. The people though were very nice and have been patient with our multiple phone calls regarding the cat. On a scale of 1 - 10, about a 5.
Mitchell, SD - I wish we had stayed an extra day there. I wanted to check out the inside of the corn palace, see the doll museum, and just wander through the town - definately a must see when you are touring SD.
The campground was nice - our site was right next to the pool. Showers were nice. It was a short stay, but would have no reservations at all about going back.
Mt. Rushmore - very cool. Definately worth going to see, we saw both Mt. Rushmore and the in progress Crazy Horse Memorial. Will write more about that later, but I need to go for now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Chicago, Des Moines, Omaha.....
Hi all!
We are now in Mitchell, SD. But I'll get to that. Maybe tomorrow. But, it might still be a couple of days before I get caught up. MAN have we been busy.
Soooooooooo......Chicago....busy, busy, busy.
First - one of the Dinette chairs fell off the wall en route....apparently it's a common problem, and not completely due to us having it over packed. Although - my guess is that it was a contributing factor. NEXT time we move we are having a huge party. Noone will be allowed to bring any alcohol, they will have to make due with what we have. It is amazing the number of bottles we have - some I'm not even sure where (or when) they came from. I'm sure at least a couple of them made the trip with us from OR to VA 10 years ago...
So, to the closest Keystone dealer the camper went - just over an hour away....and OF COURSE....we didn't bring suitcases, so we had to unload the camper the same we loaded it. A million trips later, Matt's parents didn't recognized their own home. Just to hit the highlights, while we were there, we celebrated Faith's birthday, went to Cypress Cove Water Park, the Kane County Cougars baseball game (on Father's day), played at the Clarendon Hill's pool, tested a couple of new restaurants, watched Ryan's Little League and Hannah's softball games, visited Michelle's Aunt Flo, cousin Lisa and her kids - and, of course, did our "not camping" day. All in all....the boys are thinking that cousins are where it is at. They are once again over tired, over stimulated, but having the time of their lives. This is the first year that they have been able too, or wanted too, venture out a bit. And with all these older cousins, are starting to feel a bit more grown up. Although, a couple of SHORT separations have resulted in little boys who make sure they know where we are...
So....Des Moines. Saw it. We were supposed to camp there. We didn't. We were on schedule to leave at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. Instead, 9 a.m. found Michelle (that would be me - Matt might actually post here sometime, but I doubt it) in the dentist chair getting her first (and hopefully LAST) root canal. ooooohhhhhhh - fun times. So, we skipped Des Moines, and left Chicago at 3 a.m.. Sunday morning for Omaha.
Omaha, LOTS of fun. We had dinner with Michelle's cousin and his family we spent alot of time with Scott and Kristi when we were first married (and we lived closer to each other) so it was a lot of fun to see each other again. It's been 10 years, their kids were not quite 4 and 15 months the last time we saw them! Their son is wonderful with children, he gets right down and talks to them, and was very comfortable holding Miss Steph. And, their daughter, well, let's just say that at least one of the boys would not let her out of his sight. The boys loved their pool, trampoline, and the waterslide park we visited on Tuesday.
I think this is where I will stop for today. As much fun as we had with S&K - at least for now, Omaha has left a hole in our hearts. I'm giving it 24 more hours.
We have 3 days at Mt. Rushmore - I hope to be able to find the time to post some pictures soon.
We are now in Mitchell, SD. But I'll get to that. Maybe tomorrow. But, it might still be a couple of days before I get caught up. MAN have we been busy.
Soooooooooo......Chicago....busy, busy, busy.
First - one of the Dinette chairs fell off the wall en route....apparently it's a common problem, and not completely due to us having it over packed. Although - my guess is that it was a contributing factor. NEXT time we move we are having a huge party. Noone will be allowed to bring any alcohol, they will have to make due with what we have. It is amazing the number of bottles we have - some I'm not even sure where (or when) they came from. I'm sure at least a couple of them made the trip with us from OR to VA 10 years ago...
So, to the closest Keystone dealer the camper went - just over an hour away....and OF COURSE....we didn't bring suitcases, so we had to unload the camper the same we loaded it. A million trips later, Matt's parents didn't recognized their own home. Just to hit the highlights, while we were there, we celebrated Faith's birthday, went to Cypress Cove Water Park, the Kane County Cougars baseball game (on Father's day), played at the Clarendon Hill's pool, tested a couple of new restaurants, watched Ryan's Little League and Hannah's softball games, visited Michelle's Aunt Flo, cousin Lisa and her kids - and, of course, did our "not camping" day. All in all....the boys are thinking that cousins are where it is at. They are once again over tired, over stimulated, but having the time of their lives. This is the first year that they have been able too, or wanted too, venture out a bit. And with all these older cousins, are starting to feel a bit more grown up. Although, a couple of SHORT separations have resulted in little boys who make sure they know where we are...
So....Des Moines. Saw it. We were supposed to camp there. We didn't. We were on schedule to leave at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. Instead, 9 a.m. found Michelle (that would be me - Matt might actually post here sometime, but I doubt it) in the dentist chair getting her first (and hopefully LAST) root canal. ooooohhhhhhh - fun times. So, we skipped Des Moines, and left Chicago at 3 a.m.. Sunday morning for Omaha.
Omaha, LOTS of fun. We had dinner with Michelle's cousin and his family we spent alot of time with Scott and Kristi when we were first married (and we lived closer to each other) so it was a lot of fun to see each other again. It's been 10 years, their kids were not quite 4 and 15 months the last time we saw them! Their son is wonderful with children, he gets right down and talks to them, and was very comfortable holding Miss Steph. And, their daughter, well, let's just say that at least one of the boys would not let her out of his sight. The boys loved their pool, trampoline, and the waterslide park we visited on Tuesday.
I think this is where I will stop for today. As much fun as we had with S&K - at least for now, Omaha has left a hole in our hearts. I'm giving it 24 more hours.
We have 3 days at Mt. Rushmore - I hope to be able to find the time to post some pictures soon.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Not Really Camping...
We are in the Wisconsin Dells now. We met up with Michelle's cousin and his family and a had a GREAT time. 10 hours at water parks with a short break for dinner. The boys are exhausted and sleeping in a windowless room. We have decided to let them sleep AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Check out time is 11 a.m., so we are hoping for 10:55.
This is where we are staying I definately recommend it. And for those of you with timeshares, if it is on your list, the accomodations are VERY nice. It is very family oriented, but has some very nice restaurants as well. And, they even worked with us and the kids - the boys had their very first experience with cloth napkins and 3 forks at dinner last night - they put us in our own room, with a beautiful view of the lake, but if things had gotten, shall we say, out of hand - they could close the door. BUT, the boys - all of them - behaved beautifully!!!! We were even impressed.
5 is going to be an interesting year, the boys are getting very independent, and FAST. They have different interests and so often head in different directions. They can understand basic rules, so were able to have some independent play, but each of them got scared (separate times) when they suddenly discovered they had lost one of us....each time was only minutes, we knew pretty much where there were, but they are as I said FAST. Not as grown up as they think they are yet I guess. But to say they had fun would be a gross understatement......We will definately plan on coming back here - perhaps when Stephanie is about 5.........
Anyway today it's back to Chicago for Faith's birthday, and then to the carnival at Daisy Days.
This is where we are staying I definately recommend it. And for those of you with timeshares, if it is on your list, the accomodations are VERY nice. It is very family oriented, but has some very nice restaurants as well. And, they even worked with us and the kids - the boys had their very first experience with cloth napkins and 3 forks at dinner last night - they put us in our own room, with a beautiful view of the lake, but if things had gotten, shall we say, out of hand - they could close the door. BUT, the boys - all of them - behaved beautifully!!!! We were even impressed.
5 is going to be an interesting year, the boys are getting very independent, and FAST. They have different interests and so often head in different directions. They can understand basic rules, so were able to have some independent play, but each of them got scared (separate times) when they suddenly discovered they had lost one of us....each time was only minutes, we knew pretty much where there were, but they are as I said FAST. Not as grown up as they think they are yet I guess. But to say they had fun would be a gross understatement......We will definately plan on coming back here - perhaps when Stephanie is about 5.........
Anyway today it's back to Chicago for Faith's birthday, and then to the carnival at Daisy Days.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Showers are good.
Yes, I know, we all know this - but sometimes they are just better than others.
Let me back up.
On Saturday, we worked FRANTICALLY trying to get the house ready to "go" so we could leave early Sunday. We took the boys and a friend to "the chip house" for a final dinner there.....and worked until 11 ish that night. Then showered and slept. Come 6ish we were up again and running. We finally hit the road at 12:20 p.m. - we got to our campsite at Fox Den Acres, New Stanton, PA shortly after 10 p.m. Yep. Once again, our first night setting up a camper IN THE DARK. We did this with our pop up too - only then it was raining and cold....and needed more set up. Finally got the kids to sleep and crashed ourselves close to midnight. Thankfully, my watch band is broken, so when I really don't want to know what time it is - I just don't ask. They actually let us sleep until almost 7::30!!!!!! So it was, 10 a.m. by the time we were ready to go - with a long day ahead, we didn't bother with showers.
It looked (from the little we saw) like a nice place - sites were big, and because it was uncrowded, drive-thrus were easy to find. Showers were extra $$ - and as I stated, I didn't check them out, but based on the rest of the site, I woud guess they are pretty clean. There were (according to the map) 3 playgrounds, a pool, and a fishing pond. Most of the people there were .... seasoned campers .... although, school in many areas is not out yet, so I could be wrong on that.... :) Easy to get to - NO TRAIN TRACKS nearby....and a hill with a much slighter grade to depart by...I'd definately like to give it another stay...but I would want to arrive before dark (DUH!!)
So, today. Lots of construction, lots of hills, 2 overtired boys who have already been couped up for a day and want NOTHING more than to play in the naturally, they sat quietly in the back seat while we drove, and drove, and drove......and a baby who JUST learned to crawl, back in a carseat for 2 days straight. Yeah. It was a fun loooooooong drive - we got here - the South Bend East KOA, just about 7:30 p.m. They rode their bikes, and after a LATE dinner went to the pool. Matt gave the water temp as a good solid "needs a good 1200-1400 yard warmup" before it would be close to comfy (and by then my toes would be numb) so we'll say 70-71 degrees..... Pool was good - got the kids in jammies, did stories, prayers, Matt went to the store (bread, milk, cereal) and then the shower. I feel better than I have in 2 days. WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY better.
Good news - we knew we were back at a campsite. Yep. Right by a train track, although, I must say, they are much quieter when you are in travel trailer than they were in a pop-up. Part of that, of course, is that we are further away. AND closer to the bathhouses - a nice plus. I like this campground - lots of trees, big sites, the neighbors we have anyway have been friendly - hope yours are too. Pool is nice, and close to our site - but not heated, so early in the season will be a bit chilly - esp. in the evenings and early mornings. Bathrooms - VERY NICE. Did I mention they are VERY NICE. Women's bathroom is large with plenty of floospace, sinks and mirrors (I think 8). Showers are in individual rooms, so are available to male/female alike. They are roomy with lots of hooks, a stool, nice floors, good water pressure, and hot water. Definately would come back.....the area - well, I don't know what is here really but, a nice place to overnight for sure, and would be a relaxing store is close by too.
Alrighty - tomorrow is Chicago. Will try to post some pictures in the next day or so...but for now, it is apparently AGAIN approaching 11, and I need to sleep.
Yes, I know, we all know this - but sometimes they are just better than others.
Let me back up.
On Saturday, we worked FRANTICALLY trying to get the house ready to "go" so we could leave early Sunday. We took the boys and a friend to "the chip house" for a final dinner there.....and worked until 11 ish that night. Then showered and slept. Come 6ish we were up again and running. We finally hit the road at 12:20 p.m. - we got to our campsite at Fox Den Acres, New Stanton, PA shortly after 10 p.m. Yep. Once again, our first night setting up a camper IN THE DARK. We did this with our pop up too - only then it was raining and cold....and needed more set up. Finally got the kids to sleep and crashed ourselves close to midnight. Thankfully, my watch band is broken, so when I really don't want to know what time it is - I just don't ask. They actually let us sleep until almost 7::30!!!!!! So it was, 10 a.m. by the time we were ready to go - with a long day ahead, we didn't bother with showers.
It looked (from the little we saw) like a nice place - sites were big, and because it was uncrowded, drive-thrus were easy to find. Showers were extra $$ - and as I stated, I didn't check them out, but based on the rest of the site, I woud guess they are pretty clean. There were (according to the map) 3 playgrounds, a pool, and a fishing pond. Most of the people there were .... seasoned campers .... although, school in many areas is not out yet, so I could be wrong on that.... :) Easy to get to - NO TRAIN TRACKS nearby....and a hill with a much slighter grade to depart by...I'd definately like to give it another stay...but I would want to arrive before dark (DUH!!)
So, today. Lots of construction, lots of hills, 2 overtired boys who have already been couped up for a day and want NOTHING more than to play in the naturally, they sat quietly in the back seat while we drove, and drove, and drove......and a baby who JUST learned to crawl, back in a carseat for 2 days straight. Yeah. It was a fun loooooooong drive - we got here - the South Bend East KOA, just about 7:30 p.m. They rode their bikes, and after a LATE dinner went to the pool. Matt gave the water temp as a good solid "needs a good 1200-1400 yard warmup" before it would be close to comfy (and by then my toes would be numb) so we'll say 70-71 degrees..... Pool was good - got the kids in jammies, did stories, prayers, Matt went to the store (bread, milk, cereal) and then the shower. I feel better than I have in 2 days. WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY better.
Good news - we knew we were back at a campsite. Yep. Right by a train track, although, I must say, they are much quieter when you are in travel trailer than they were in a pop-up. Part of that, of course, is that we are further away. AND closer to the bathhouses - a nice plus. I like this campground - lots of trees, big sites, the neighbors we have anyway have been friendly - hope yours are too. Pool is nice, and close to our site - but not heated, so early in the season will be a bit chilly - esp. in the evenings and early mornings. Bathrooms - VERY NICE. Did I mention they are VERY NICE. Women's bathroom is large with plenty of floospace, sinks and mirrors (I think 8). Showers are in individual rooms, so are available to male/female alike. They are roomy with lots of hooks, a stool, nice floors, good water pressure, and hot water. Definately would come back.....the area - well, I don't know what is here really but, a nice place to overnight for sure, and would be a relaxing store is close by too.
Alrighty - tomorrow is Chicago. Will try to post some pictures in the next day or so...but for now, it is apparently AGAIN approaching 11, and I need to sleep.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
it begins
So. We're packed - and ready to go. And when I say packed - I mean PACKED. The movers are in the house and we have every available square inch of the camper Full.
We are traveling in a ZII Zeppelin by Keystone - it is 29 feet long with a slide out that holds the dinette and couch, a queen bed up front, and a full and single bunk set in the back. The baby will sleep in a pack'n play by the dinnett - she's taking her first nap there now. I have monitor duty - the movers packed hers, so I'm here until I'm sure she is sound asleep, and then not venturing far ----ahhhhhhh a pleasant break!!! I took out the bar stools (which will put back for more routine trips) in favor of a shoe rack. A wise move.
It is amazing how much stuff we have in here.
We depart Yorktown on June 10, we are set to arrive Rainier, Oregon (about an hour east of Astoria) on July 7 (I think) - it might be the 8th...... Matt's change of command is July 12 - my job is to find a place to live before the boys start school on September 4. We are taking our time. We found a great U.S. map that we have on the wall and stickers to put on at every stop. The boys don't think that it looks far to Oregon at all - that will change!!!!
Well, that's it I guess until we leave!
Have a great week!
We are traveling in a ZII Zeppelin by Keystone - it is 29 feet long with a slide out that holds the dinette and couch, a queen bed up front, and a full and single bunk set in the back. The baby will sleep in a pack'n play by the dinnett - she's taking her first nap there now. I have monitor duty - the movers packed hers, so I'm here until I'm sure she is sound asleep, and then not venturing far ----ahhhhhhh a pleasant break!!! I took out the bar stools (which will put back for more routine trips) in favor of a shoe rack. A wise move.
It is amazing how much stuff we have in here.
We depart Yorktown on June 10, we are set to arrive Rainier, Oregon (about an hour east of Astoria) on July 7 (I think) - it might be the 8th...... Matt's change of command is July 12 - my job is to find a place to live before the boys start school on September 4. We are taking our time. We found a great U.S. map that we have on the wall and stickers to put on at every stop. The boys don't think that it looks far to Oregon at all - that will change!!!!
Well, that's it I guess until we leave!
Have a great week!
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