Tuesday, July 10, 2007

we made it!!!

alrighty - we are in Astoria. We had a great time in Bend - visited a friend we haven't seen in 10 years, and it felt like just last week. Well, except her kids are nearly grown now! It was hot in Bend, so we spent most of the day just watching the kids play in the pool and chatting.

Then on to Rainier - Matt's uncle got married Saturday before our arrival on Sunday! We all love Haoua and are thrilled for them both.....although not sure how much of a honeymoon it felt like once we descended. They even babysat the boys for me while I drove into Vancouver (about 75 minutes each way) to get Andrew's glasses fixed. Drew's house is on 14 acres, so the boys had lots of room to run and play. They have 15(?) frisbee golf holes around and about their property, so the boys learned to throw frisbees as well.

Matt started work again yesterday, and last night we drove down to Astoria. We are camping here for the week with my parents and neice and nephew - they arrive today. The boys are so excited to see them all again - especially Richie. As far as Astoria goes - it's a good week for it - today the high will be in the mid 80's and the next 2 days in the 70's. Then back to Rainier (and Uncle's house) until we find a place to live.

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