Friday, July 6, 2007

So, Where was I? Or Where am I?????

1) Bison at Yellowstone

2) Boys at Black Dragon's Cauldron (mud volcano)

3) kids' birthday, KOA, West Yellowstone, MN

4) Stephanie's One

Actually the WHERE I am is pretty easy - I'm in Bend, OR - actually Sisters, OR - but close enough. Last night we were in Pendleton OR. The campground we stayed at was at the Wildhorse Casino and RV park (always a popular combination.....) it was HOT. As in REALLY HOT. We saw 108 during the day, although by the time we parked it was down to 104. Fortunately we were in sight of the pool and Matt & I took turns playing with the boys in the pool and sitting by the camper while Stephanie avoided taking her nap - she was tired, rubbing her eyes, but just wouldn't go to sleep, so after about 3 rotations - we ALL played in the pool. As for the Campground - well, there was NO shade (did I mention that it was HOT) and it took until after dinner to get the camper cooled off to a comfortable temp -perhaps also why the baby didn't nap..... We had a nice dinner at the Plateau - the "fine dining" option at the casino - the buffet was typical buffet, everything was fried and heavy on the mayo, so we took our chances. The kids were excellent. Not only did our server compliment their behavior, but people actually smiled at them and us when we left (and not in a Thank God they are gone way). It was delish -and since the 3 kids shared a meal, not even very expensive. AND the boys had the leftovers for lunch today.....

We continue to be plagued with issues with the camper - one of the supports (?) for the stabilizing bars on the hitch shifted during the drive today and it took some ummmmmmmm gentle persuasion (with a hammer) to get the truck and camper parted. And, part of the the flashing over the tire (yes, the one that was flat) tore off. Tomorrow Matt is getting the spare fixed. Fortunately Bend is big enough to have a Les Schwaub.

As for the trip - the camping is fun - but we are ALL tired of being in the car for 5 and 6 hours a day. I will miss summer (Astoria during this heat wave has STILL not broken 70 degrees) but it will be nice to be out of the car.

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