Friday, June 15, 2007

Not Really Camping...

We are in the Wisconsin Dells now. We met up with Michelle's cousin and his family and a had a GREAT time. 10 hours at water parks with a short break for dinner. The boys are exhausted and sleeping in a windowless room. We have decided to let them sleep AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Check out time is 11 a.m., so we are hoping for 10:55.

This is where we are staying I definately recommend it. And for those of you with timeshares, if it is on your list, the accomodations are VERY nice. It is very family oriented, but has some very nice restaurants as well. And, they even worked with us and the kids - the boys had their very first experience with cloth napkins and 3 forks at dinner last night - they put us in our own room, with a beautiful view of the lake, but if things had gotten, shall we say, out of hand - they could close the door. BUT, the boys - all of them - behaved beautifully!!!! We were even impressed.

5 is going to be an interesting year, the boys are getting very independent, and FAST. They have different interests and so often head in different directions. They can understand basic rules, so were able to have some independent play, but each of them got scared (separate times) when they suddenly discovered they had lost one of us....each time was only minutes, we knew pretty much where there were, but they are as I said FAST. Not as grown up as they think they are yet I guess. But to say they had fun would be a gross understatement......We will definately plan on coming back here - perhaps when Stephanie is about 5.........

Anyway today it's back to Chicago for Faith's birthday, and then to the carnival at Daisy Days.

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